
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi

Type: TV

Source: Manga

Current Rank: 6

Popularity: 345

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older

Aired: Apr 8, 2015 to Mar 30, 2016

Studios: Bandai Namco Pictures

  • TV Tokyo
  • Aniplex
  • Dentsu
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Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid... Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. Mistaking it for his alarm clock, Gintoki proceeds to smash the device the next morning and suddenly discovers that the world outside his apartment has come to a standstill. With Kagura and Shinpachi at his side, he sets off to get the device fixed; though, as usual, nothing is ever that simple for the Yorozuya team. Filled with tongue-in-cheek humor and moments of heartfelt emotion, Gintama's fourth season finds Gintoki and his friends facing both their most hilarious misadventures and most dangerous crises yet. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Main Characters

  • Kagura


  • Sakata, Gintoki

    Sakata, Gintoki

  • Shimura, Shinpachi

    Shimura, Shinpachi


  • Kugimiya, Rie

    Kugimiya, Rie

  • Sugita, Tomokazu

    Sugita, Tomokazu

  • Sakaguchi, Daisuke

    Sakaguchi, Daisuke

  • 1: "DAY×DAY" by BLUE ENCOUNT (eps 1-12)
  • 2: "Pride Kakumei (プライド革命)" by CHiCO with HoneyWorks (eps 13-15, 17-26)
  • 3: "Saigo made II (最後までⅡ)" by Aqua Timez (eps 16)
  • 4: "Beautiful Days" by OKAMOTO'S (eps 27-38)
  • 5: "Know Know Know" by DOES (eps 39-50)
  • 6: "Acchi Muite (あっちむいて)" by Swimy (eps 51)
  • 1: "DESTINY" by Negoto (eps 1-12)
  • 2: "Saigo made II (最後までⅡ)" by Aqua Timez (eps 13-15, 17-26)
  • 3: "Pride Kakumei (プライド革命)" by CHiCO with HoneyWorks (eps 16)
  • 4: "Glorious Days (グロリアスデイズ)" by THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS (eps 27-38)
  • 5: "Acchi Muite (あっちむいて)" by Swimy (eps 39-50)
  • 6: "Know Know Know" by DOES (eps 51)

List of Episodes

1You can never Pause at the Perfect Time | 一時停止はうまい具合には止まらない4/8/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.48
2Even a Matsui Stick Can't Handle Some Kinds of Dirt | マツイ棒でもとれないゴミがある4/15/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.55
3An Inspector's Love begins with an Inspection | 監察の恋は観察から始まる4/22/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.64
4Forget Dates, Remember People / You Can Hide Your Porn Mags but You Can't Hide Your *** | 年号暗記より人間焼きつけろ / エロ本隠して○○○隠さず4/29/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.47
5A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides / Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License | 鏡は美も醜もありのままを映し出す / 免許証の写真を気に入ってる奴は皆無5/6/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.41
6Arriving Late to a Reunion Makes it Hard to Enter | 同窓会は遅れてくると入りづらい5/13/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.63
7A Reunion Also Brings to the Surface Things You Don't Want to Remember | 同窓会は思い出したくない思い出も蘇ってくる5/20/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.71
8When Compared to Time in the Heavens, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Naught but Dreams and Lottery Tickets | 人間五十年下天のうちをくらぶれば夢宝くじの如くなり5/27/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.75
9Guys with Big Nostrils Also Have Big Imaginations / You Never Accept a New Sentai Series at the Start, but by the Final Episode, You Don't Want It to End | 鼻の穴のデカイ奴は発想力もデカイ / 新しく始まる戦隊モノは最初はこんなの認めねェみたいになっているが最終回の頃には離れたくなくなっている6/3/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.17
109 + 1 = Yagyu Jyubei | 9+1=柳生十兵衛6/10/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.83
11Calories Come Back to Bite You Just When You've Forgotten About Them | カロリーは忘れた頃にやってくる6/17/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.73
1210 - 1 = | 10 - 1 =6/24/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.59
13All Mothers Pack Too Much Food Into a Lunch Box and Ruin the Shape | 母ちゃんの弁当はいつもつめすぎて若干つぶれている7/1/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.55
14The Reaper by Day and the Reaper by Night | 朝と夜の死神7/8/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.73
15Human or Demon? | 鬼か人か7/15/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.63
16Farewell, Reaper | さらば死神7/22/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.8
17A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes Over and Over | フェニックスは何度も蘇る7/29/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.57
18Amen | アーメン8/5/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.83
19Being a Leader Is Tough | リーダーは辛いよ8/12/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.79
20Love Is a Roach Motel | 恋はゴキブリポイポイ8/19/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.42
21A Sizzle Summer | ベギラマな夏 / 何もねぇよ夏20158/26/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.38
22I'm the Mayo Guy, and He's the Sweet Tooth | おれがマヨラーで あいつが甘党で9/2/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.78
23I'm a Failure as a Leader, and He's Also a Failure as a Leader | おれがリーダー失格で あいつもリーダー失格で9/9/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.6
24I'm Odd Jobs, and He's Shinsengumi | おれが万事屋で あいつが真選組で9/16/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.63
25Always Leave Enough Room for Fifty Million in Your Bag | バッグは常に5千万入るようにあけておけ9/23/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.65
26Always Leave Enough Room for Pebbles in Your Bag | バッグは常に石ころが入るようにあけておけ9/30/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.64
27Style Goes Out of Fashion the Moment It's Put Into Words / There Are Two Types of People In This World: Those Who Yell Out Their Attack Names, and Those Who Don't | オシャレとはオシャレと言葉にした時点でかき消えるものなり/世の中には二種類の人間がいる それは必殺技を叫ぶ人間と叫ばない人間10/7/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.61
28The Two Apes | 二人の猿公10/14/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.6
29Afros of Life and Death | 生と死のアフロ10/21/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.69
30Afuro and Wolfro | 阿腐郎とアフ狼10/28/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.79
31Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You | 初期設定はナメたら命取り11/4/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.73
32Keep Your Farewells Short | 別れの挨拶は簡潔に11/11/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.77
33One Editor Is Enough / The G-Pen Is Capricious, and the Maru Pen Is Stubborn | 担当編集は一人で足りる/Gペンは気まぐれ屋さん丸ペンは頑固者11/18/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.1
34Strike When the Sword and Overlord are Hot / Oil Rain | 鉄と魔王は熱いうちに打て/オイルの雨11/25/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.48
35Shogun of Light and Shadow | 光と影の将軍12/2/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.86
36Ninja Village | 忍の里12/9/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.89
37Ninja Soul | 忍の魂12/16/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.87
38And Then There Were Five | 最後の5人)12/23/2015, 12:00:00 AM4.84
39Those Who Protect Against All Odds | 万事を護る者達1/6/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.88
40Sworn Enemy |1/13/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.9
41The Crows Caw After The Battle Ends | 戦のあとには烏が哭く1/20/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.82
42Farewell, Buddy | さらばダチ公1/27/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.86
43The Day the Demon Cried | 鬼が哭いた日2/3/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.85
44Heroes Always Arrive Fashionably Late | ヒーローは遅れてやってくる2/10/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.82
45Lost and Found | 忘れもの2/17/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.85
46Prison Break / Essay Manga Are Easy to Animate | 脱獄/エッセイ漫画は作画楽2/24/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.77
47Stray Dogs | 野良犬3/2/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.75
48Undelivered Mail | 届かなかったメール3/9/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.81
49Karma |3/16/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.87
50Nobume | 信女3/23/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.85
51Farewell Shinsengumi | さらば真選組3/30/2016, 12:00:00 AM4.77